
You were meant to fly. but ran into really bad weather.

Beautifully Complex

 She's not complicated. She's beautifully complex!

Hi, I'm Kim Saunders. As someone who survived a not-so-lovely childhood, I learned that it does not matter if you're 4 or 104; unfortunately, those experiences stick with you like white on rice.

As a certified Yoga teacher and Psychotherapist, I have dedicated my life to learning the tools necessary to release old wounds internalized in childhood and live from a place of courage and calm.

What set me on my path of healing was discovering that I was suffering from Complex Trauma. Complex Trauma is caused by long-term exposure to interpersonal and invasive events like childhood abuse or neglect.

Once I had this lightbulb moment, I developed strategies that helped me embrace my complexity to become empowered and healthy in all areas of my life.

I still get triggered occasionally and have perfectionism benders, but overall I'm living a drama-free life. The knowledge I have gained has made all the difference in my life, and now I want to share it with you!

I created my Beautifully Complex Group to help those ready to address their past, embrace their healing, and reclaim their authentic spirit. I hope you will join us, beautiful!

With love,